PinnedPublished inBetter ProgrammingHow Teams Spend Their TimeWhen teams build software and run it in production they need to divide their time between these responsibilities. How teams spend their…May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
PinnedGrowing teamsAfter more than a year of working on critical projects under lockdown people feel strained. It’s great to get the trust of the business to…Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021
PinnedOrganization design in 5 minutesFirst line managers mostly get their team assigned to them. When they step up to become senior manager we expect them to design their…Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021
PinnedChange management basicsChange management is a core skill for senior managers, but one they may not get to practice before their first senior management role…Jul 13, 2023Jul 13, 2023
PinnedSizing teamsThe big engineering teams we created in my department after a reorganization did not work as well as I hoped. I always liked Larsons…Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Presenting engineering trade offsGood decisions come from good preparation. How we present engineering trade offs influences speed of delivery and the quality of our…Nov 6, 2024Nov 6, 2024
Build || SearchOn growing mattresses, the Library of Babel, DARPA and software configuration. How flexible systems collect complexity.Jul 17, 2024Jul 17, 2024
How systems ageSystems don’t live forever. But why do some last decades while others are seen as legacy after just a few years? Looking at the aging of…Oct 25, 20232Oct 25, 20232